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Welp (June 3 2024)
2:33 AM

I can already tell this week is gonna be a busy one. I don't expect to be able to update the site that much.

They approved it! (June 1 2024)
4:41 PM

They finally approved the wiki!! I won't link it here yet because it's extremely unfinished it but once it looks decent I'll probably put it under Links.

Wiki Idea (May 31 2024)
10:53 PM

One of my strangest overfixations is music video characters. Ever since I got really into vocaloid in the mid 2010's I have been obsessed with those non-Vocaloid characters that appear in the music videos. I think the thing that draws me to them is the fact that they often have very unique looking designs and yet they are so overlooked by those who watch them. So today I submitted a Wiki request on Miraheze for music video characters (I have no idea how to use Miraheze aaaaaah). So far it has not been approved as of writing this, but I'm hoping to wake up tomorrow to the wiki being up (if they don't approve it earlier, that is).

Bye Twitter. Hi Neocities. (May 31 2024)
8:30 PM

It has already been 4 days since I quit Twitter. Unsurprisingly this has had a very positive effect on my mental health. I've taken up HTML/CSS as a hobby and have been putting that to use with projects such as ''bloomscroll.'' and ''A Warm Kind of Darkness''.

Honestly, I'd recommend anyone who's still struggling with Twitter addiction (srsly that site's like virtual heroin) to just quit, not necessarily delete their account, but stop using it and learn HTML/CSS to make their own website where they can post whatever they want without being judged. Oh yeah, did I mention that you can make it look HOWEVER THE HELL YOU WANT??. That's just one of the many cool things about owning your own website.