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Look ma, I'm going outside (June 19 2024)
5:32 PM

I had the chance to go to Mvd today so as is tradition whenever I go, I went to the cafe near the World Trade Center and had a coffee. Passed by Parque Rodo while I was at it and took a photo of this funny worm ride.

The date in the pic is wrong! Ignore that.

Cool things are happening (June 17 2024)
11:54 PM

Well, today's been an eventful day. I'm one step closer to getting a driving license. I also just moved that wiki I mentioned not long ago over to Neocities. You can visit it in its unfinished state via the links page.

Haven't updated bloomscroll in a long time so I might soon. Kinda disappointing how dead the forums are but its to be expected in the current year.