Review: The Go Team - Thunder, Lightning, Strike (2004)

Rating: 7/10

If you remember the days of channel surfing after coming home from elementary school, this album pretty much evokes those same feelings. Thunder, Lightning, Strike is primarily an instrumental album, but despite that it's still filled with catchy, remarkable melodies that get stuck in your head, energetic guitar riffs and uh... cheerleaders, of course.

Every song on this album feels like it could be the background music for a late 90's or maybe early 2000's ad for some kids product. When I listen to songs like Bottle Rocket, for example, I picture myself on a skateboard leaving a trail of rainbow goo with metro patterns.

I think one of the things I like the most about this album is how well the samples here complement the instrumentation. It almost feels like they were speficially made for the track despite that being far from the truth.

That isn't to say the album is flawless, though. While I do enjoy it for the most part, I have to admit that its gets quite repetitive. But overall, it's great, fun, rhythmic and I had a good time with it.
